Virtual Administration is currently looking for skilled Virtual Assistants based in Canada.
You will be required to be self employed and available to work hours suitable to our clients’ needs on an ad-hoc basis. Provision of work can fluctuate, with clients requiring availability during office hours.
You must have:
- Excellent communication skills
- A confident, positive, empathetic and friendly manner
- The ability to use own initiative
- The ability to think on your feet and respond effectively
- Experience of being a PA to numerous individuals at any one time
- Impeccable English, grammar and punctuation
- Exceptional organisational skills
- The ability to be calm under pressure
- The ability to deliver to deadlines
- A good working PC and internet connection and a suitable place to work from
- Good working knowledge of Microsoft Office365
- Knowledge of cloud based storage systems
- Experience of online databases, CRM systems
- Experience of using online invoicing systems
- Excellent proof reading and formatting skills
- The ability to type while someone speaks to you
- Sound knowledge of The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)